Saraki Urges Buhari to Release Activist Adeyanju

Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki, has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to release social critic, Mr. Deji Adeyanju.
He said the president should also ensure that Adeyanju’s fundamental human rights are not continuously abused by the police as the case is more political than judicial.

Saraki in a statement issued in Abuja yesterday by his Media Adviser, Yusuph Olaniyonu, noted that Adeyanju’s case is presenting the present administration in bad light as a government that is intolerant of criticism.
Saraki noted that Adeyanju was arrested after leading a protest in Abuja and sundry charges were filed against him.

According to the senate president, a situation where the activist was re-arrested after being given bail by a court indicated a deliberate attempt to get him out of circulation.

“The way the matter has been handled and the last decision of the Magistrate Court to remand the young man in prison till after the conclusion of the 2019 polls has presented our democracy in bad light. We are now looking like a country that has receded to the period of military rule.
“The president needs to intervene to find out whether the current travail of Deji Adeyanju has anything to do with his frequently expressed viewpoints against the federal government and why his arrest after leading a protest has now ignited all the various charges being filed against him and if it was true that the charges for which he has been remanded in prison till February had actually being adjudicated upon by the High Court.
“It should be noted that prior to the coming to office of this government, those of us in opposition, the APC, freely criticised the Goodluck Jonathan-led government and flayed their actions and statements without any attempt by the administration to stifle opposing views. This administration, which benefitted from such open market place of ideas, which is a key tenet of a democratic regime, cannot offer anything less to our people.

“At this point, President Buhari should not allow the excesses and over-zealousness of some security agents to give his government a bad name and that is why I think he should interfere and let the world know the truth about this case. It is obvious that this case is purely political and not about any judicial action. I also call on all human rights protection groups to wade into this matter and ensure we do not watch helplessly as the rights of a citizen is being trampled upon”, Saraki said.


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